Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Debt Of Education

Fortunately I am not one of those who is suffering from student debt but I do sympathize with those who do.  I do have some teammates who will eventually have to pay their loans.  After talking about it with some of my friends the main thing they mentioned was the fact that even after they graduate they still hold a burden of student debts.  Turns out the excitement of graduating isn't so exciting after all.  After everyone just went through the stress of being in school dealing with homework, time management and so on.  Now they have to worry about owing money.  Although, I do believe that it is a good debt in the long run.  Also, reading the article it mentioned that student loan debt outpaced credit card debt, which necessarily isn't a bad thing.  That just shows that so many more students could possibly be attending schools and do care about their education enough to have to deal with taking out loans knowing they are going to have to pay them off later.  So everyone knows what they got themselves into before they decided to take out a loan.