Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Debt Of Education

Fortunately I am not one of those who is suffering from student debt but I do sympathize with those who do.  I do have some teammates who will eventually have to pay their loans.  After talking about it with some of my friends the main thing they mentioned was the fact that even after they graduate they still hold a burden of student debts.  Turns out the excitement of graduating isn't so exciting after all.  After everyone just went through the stress of being in school dealing with homework, time management and so on.  Now they have to worry about owing money.  Although, I do believe that it is a good debt in the long run.  Also, reading the article it mentioned that student loan debt outpaced credit card debt, which necessarily isn't a bad thing.  That just shows that so many more students could possibly be attending schools and do care about their education enough to have to deal with taking out loans knowing they are going to have to pay them off later.  So everyone knows what they got themselves into before they decided to take out a loan.  


  1. I also dont suffer from student debt but I feel bad for the people that have debt. Especially the average debt is $20,000 after they graduate. That could be like almost buying a car.
    If I had to pay for school I would pay and not just quit because later on its going to all pay off.

  2. I completely agree with you in that everyone knows what they are getting themselves in to. Some of my friends are dealing with this issue but find that it isn't such a burden for them. They are receiving an education and in the future will achieve a career out of it in order to pay back those loans. Although the amount of debt is rising I find that more students are willing to take out loans if it means they will be granted an education.

  3. I also agree with everyone about knowing what you are getting into but honestly that's not the issue the real problem is that graduating students may not find jobs to begin paying them off so when your debt is as high as the unemployment rates that becomes an overwhelming problem for most students for years.

  4. I also do not have student loans, but I feel for my friends who do have them. I agree that the impending debt does lessen the excitement of graduation. Maybe facing the debt is a reason why some students stay in school for much longer than they need to.

  5. I don't suffer from student debt right now either, but I will when I continue on to get my Master's. That is sad how students can't focus on being excited to graduate because they have to worry about getting a job to pay off their student debt that is about to kick in. Total Downer!!!

  6. Right now, I dont suffer from student loans as of yet. However, with the tuition going up and a lesser amount of scholarships they are giving out, I will probably have to take out a loan in the future. Though i know it might help me out in the long run, in this economy it might take a lot longer than expected to get a great job that will pay off all my loans within just a couple of years.

  7. I like how you have empathy for others in this situation despite you not actually experiencing it yourself. I have said the same thing. I knew college wasn't going to be cheap so I was smart about it. Did my pre-reqs at B.C. and transferred to CSUB and will graduate with $10,000 in student debts. However, I did compromise my dream of attending SDSU in order to not run my student deb t to maximum proportions. I believe that this is the new epidemic. Because the cost of higher education is literally getting higher and higher, equal opportunities toward education essentially becomes compromised. Something must be done in the federal, state, and educational boards of our communities: in order to properly educate students on types of loans, loan interests, and deferment plans, in order to fix this rising epidemic. Essentially, the word "Debt" has only "bad" connotations. Where does the "good" come from? Investment is what they call it. However, these debts holds burdens on even the graduate students who can't find work in these hard economic times. This is why something must be done. Times are changing, as should treatment in education.

  8. Yes I agree with all of you. There should be a change in some way where there are more opportunities to get scholarships and ways to avoid getting loans. Although I do feel like sometimes it does take a little effort for people to look for scholarships because I know there are lots out there. But some people just are not as fortunate to find some. So therefore, this is a big problem as we are all speaking about. As mentioned above, times are changing and someone should take account the huge student debt problem among students. Even Obama has suffered debt and should understand the hardships of it.
